четверг, 1 марта 2012 г.

NSW: Chika compares power share offer to AMP demutualisation

AAP General News (Australia)
NSW: Chika compares power share offer to AMP demutualisation

New South Wales opposition leader KERRY CHIKAROVSKI has compared her election pledge to
give each household $1,100 in shares from the sale of electricity assets with the
demutualisation of AMP.

She's told ABC Radio that the mums and dads of NSW are entitled to a share of the reform
process in the electricity industry in much the same way as AMP policy holders got some
benefit from the company's change.

The coalition has promised that if its wins the election, every household in the state will
receive shares worth $1,100 from the proceeds of the sale of the electricity industry for an
estimated $25 billion.

Mrs CHIKAROVSKI says it's about recognising customer loyalty and she's confident that the
people of the state will see it that way.

AAP RTV lk/tsm/pa/mcm


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